The key to success is the constant modernisation and development of the company. In recent years, we have made significant investments to improve the quality of our products and streamline processes related to the production cycle. We carried out the following projects thanks to financial support obtained from the European Regional Development Fund.
The implementation of innovative technology for transporting liquid aluminium has enabled us to introduce a new service, hitherto unavailable in Europe. This has contributed to an increase in competitiveness and the potential of our company. Thanks to LATT (Liquid Aluminium Transport Technology), we have significantly shortened service and product lead times and reduced their manufacturing costs. This has also indirectly benefited our cooperating plants, e.g. in the automotive and construction industries, which do not have suitable equipment for melting aluminium alloys.
The proposed design solution for the transport unit has become the new quality standard in liquid aluminium delivery. LATT technology makes it possible to adapt the size and variant of delivery to the individual needs of the customer.
The LATT technology reduces the production process at the manufacturer by the casting stage, while at the customer it reduces the melting stage of the gores. This results in shorter furnace operating times, reduced exhaust emissions and lower gas and electricity consumption.
The project involved the implementation of an IT system to streamline business processes and communication with contractors - both customers of our products and suppliers of aluminium scrap. The automation of processes had a positive impact on the real-time circulation of information and documents, increased the company's organisational fluidity and improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the tasks performed. This has enabled us to enter a completely new level of relations with business partners, while reducing costs and the amount of work and time spent.
The investment included the purchase of seven new fixed assets, which are a comprehensive production line for high-pressure vessels at the Bielsko-Biała plant - PMN Bobrek branch of BEPIS. The expansion of the machinery park allowed the introduction of modern production technologies and increased the scale and scope of production. This has had a positive impact on the company's competitiveness on the domestic market and has also opened the door to expanding sales markets.